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How to repurpose your blog content.

By September 4, 2020No Comments
Liquis Digital: How to repurpose your blog content
Liquis Digital: How to repurpose your blog content

We’ve all heard about repurposing your content, but what does that even mean?

It’s simply a strategy to make the most out of the content you’ve already spent time, energy, and money on… like blog posts.

Your blog should be the main hub for your content because that’s where viewers are more likely to turn into customers or leads either by filling out your contact form or downloading a content upgrade. Capturing this data is huge if you want to follow up or create nurture sequences for downloaders or people who abandon their shopping cart.

Plus, if you ever want to run a re-targeting ad on social media to anyone who’s been to your website, you’ll have a more viable audience.

Here’s how repurposing blog content works.

Let’s say you write a blog. Great! Now what?

First, disect bits and pieces of content “gold” for social media posts.

Depending on the platform (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc.), you’ll pull different content in different ways.

For example, you might pull a thought/paragraph/section for Instagram with your blog image or one that corresponds with your message. For Facebook, you might tease the main idea of the post with quoted text and a link to read more. For Twitter, you can grab great one-liners to tweet. For LinkedIn, you can post content similar to Facebook and also repurpose your entire blog as an “article” to get more traction. For Pinterest you can make an eye-catching graphic in Canva that begs to be clicked on for more info.

The best part is, you can continue to do this forever with all of your archived blog posts as long as they’re relevant, but it doesn’t stop there.

Your blog content can also inspire your newsletter content.

In your emails to subscribers, you can go behind the curtain to give the back-story behind your blog or other teasers that will hook your audience into clicking through and continuing to engage with your product/service over time.

Your newsletter shouldn’t be your entire bog regurgitated or repurposed social media posts. You will want subscribers to click to your website so they are that much closer to taking the next step in the buying cycle.

Content repurposing for the win!

Now, instead of endless hours of content development for various platforms, try focusing most of your content creation energy on valuable blog articles and then simply extract your newsletter and social content from there for more united content.

BONUS: Get our full guide on “22 Must-Have Newsletter Strategies,” complete with extra action items and bonus pro tips.