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Six critical strategy questions for creating a better marketing plan.

By March 10, 2016June 1st, 2024No Comments
Six critical strategy questions for creating a better marketing plan.

photo-1427751840561-9852520f8ce8Website? Check.

Social media pages? Check. 

Tons of new business? Not so fast.  


Sometimes companies get lucky with aimless social media posts and a pretty website. But most of the time they fail to thrive. So what’s missing? Direction.

What successful companies post on social media is calculated based on what they are currently promoting or specific messaging they are establishing.

And that pretty website? It is 10 steps ahead of the viewer, leading them to the information that is most important or most likely to create a conversion.

Are you ready to stop following and start leading?

Here are six critical strategy questions to help you understand how and where to focus your efforts:

  1. What is the single most important message that you want others to know about your product/service?
  2. What specifically do you want to accomplish through marketing?
  3. What marketing challenges have you faced so far?
  4. Who is your ideal customer and what are some ways can you reach them?
  5. Where do these potential customers look for and find companies like yours?
  6. What are you willing to invest into these efforts initially and what kind of return will you expect in the future?

Decision makers and marketers should look at these questions together and by defining the answers, your efforts will instantly gain focus and direction.

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