As inspired by a client of ours, who did this very thing, I decided to document my own photocommute! Because I don’t live carefree like he does and am dependent on my trusty SUV… My photos are not as nice, but man, this is a wonderful city!
1. A beautiful mountain with yellow blooms just around the corner from my house:
2. A sign for a new local restaurant I keep meaning to try:
3. My church where Kurt Warner is speaking this weekend on Revolutionary Parenting:
4. A random mansion on the side of the road that I am still confused about:
5. Thunderbird Park, where I used to get my hike on before the little man came along:
6. The little man! On our way to Nana’s to drop him off for the day:
7. My husbands high school, Mountain Ridge:
8. Next Coffee, where I used to get work done before we got our very own office:
9. Beautiful pine trees that line this mile-long stretch of Union Hills:
10. Costco! I love Costco:
11. The office! We’ve been dreaming about this place since it was built and I can’t believe we finally made here… in our cozy one-room suite!