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How to write an Instagram bio that gets CLICKS!

By November 4, 2020July 12th, 2024No Comments
Liquis Digital: digital marketing services
Liquis Digital: digital marketing services

Instagram is a great platform for organic engagement, BUT YOU ONLY GET ONE LINK…

The good ol’ “link in bio.”

And that one chance to get people off instagram and onto your webpage requires a certain amount of phycology and finesse. Here’s what you need to know to significantly increase your opportunity.

Let people know what’s in it for THEM.

Who do you help?

What problem to you solve for them?

What solution do you sell?

Be specific and concise… You have very limited space to grab the attention of your audience!

Boil it down to one simple “solution sentence.” This one sentence will help your audience decide if your content is worth following, and most importantly, if your link is worth clicking.

Showcase your experience for credibility.

This can be done a couple different ways.

One option is to change your “Name” in your profile to highlight your experience. This might look like: Profit Coach | Keynote Speaker (or whatever your titles/functions are) so that it shows up in bold at the top of your page.

Or you can simply add this information (if relevant) into your actual bio below your real name or business name.

This is especially important for personal brands to showcase their experience serving their ideal audience.

Leave room for your Call-To-Action.

It’s important to actually tell your audience to click and what they will get if they do (and don’t forget to use an emoji to draw attention to it!).

For example, you’ll notice on the Liquis Instagram Page, we link to our landing page of free resources.

Why link to a freebee instead of a sales page?

A cold lead rarely buys on the first, second, or even third interaction with a business. Providing a freebee moves leads onto your email list where you can interact with them more intentionally and eventually nurture them into a paying customer!

If you have multiple freebees like us, but are unable to create a landing page for them, there are plenty of super simple apps like Link Tree to create buttons to multiple webpages for your different freebees and intro offers.

Have fun and be creative with it!

Your quick checklist for an Instagram Bio that gets CLICKS:

  • Solution Sentence
  • Credibility Mention (For Personal Brands)
  • Call-To-Action
  • Freebee Link
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