The reason most websites fail before they start is the daunting task of content. Many people find it difficult to look at a blank screen and write content for imaginary pages and areas that don’t yet exist. What many of these people end up doing is forcing their content into pre-designed layouts that don’t really work for their business or marketing goals. Then there’s the lack of professionalism that further thwarts their efforts to launch a new business or revamp an old brand. That’s a lot of wasted effort if you ask me.
Breaking down your content.
The honest truth is, content is king. No doubt you’ve heard this before and I can totally understand how much non-writers despise this notion, but it’s the truth.
Content is what drives the purpose of your website and makes it WORK for you. Think of it this way:
Whatever you want people to know + Whatever you want them to do = The blueprint for your website design.
Developing your site map.
The site map will consist of all the pages relevant to your blueprint. The site map will also include your navigation menu and dictate the journey of your visitors.
Start with deciding what pages you think you need. This is your site map.
Now look at that list and see if there’s any pages you can combine. A lot of times people unnecessarily duplicate information or send visitors on a wild goose chase though their extensive navigation menu. Make it easy for people to find what they came for.
Next, start with pages like “about” and “contact” that are more straight forward. Continue on with your other pages and save the home page for last.
The home page should display credibility and call to action to your most desired areas of interest.
Once you’ve laid out your content, go back and look for ways to take your visitors on journeys to desired ares of interest.
For example, if a visitor lands on your “about” page and your goal is to capture a warm lead, creating an area that enforces your credibility with testimonials accompanied by a call-to-action is a great way for them to either get in touch instantly or sign up to receive future updates, a free trial, etc.
Such call-to-actoins or links will be unique to each page and your marketing goals.
BONUS: Get our full guide on “10 ways to fix your website and grow your business today,” complete with extra action items and bonus pro tips.
Asking for help.
We get it. Writing from scratch and visualizing a visitors journey on your website can be a daunting task. So if you need help, we’ve got you covered. We can even turn bullet points and scattered thoughts into an organized site map with compelling content that inspires action.
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