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Cool tools for electronic and social media tracking

By November 5, 2009July 12th, 2024One Comment

SM toolsIf you’re our fan on Facebook or get our Quarterly Liquiscene newsletter, you have already been tuned into this, but I think it’s just too good not to share again here.

There are some really neat tools out there that can help you find out what cyberspace is saying about you, your business, your product or anything else that pertains to your work. Utilizing these tools are a great way to discover public opinion as well as give you the opportunity to respond to conversations that involve you.

I recommend Google Alerts, Social Mention and Tweet Beep. Just type in key words such as your business or personal name and these services will e-mail you when you’re mentioned.

Another great tool is BackTweets. Here you can find out if anyone on Twitter has posted a link to your site, who they are and what they said. Pretty cool!

Now that you’re in the loop, give it a try! You may be surprised to find out who’s saying what. Or, if you already use other tools than the ones listed above, what are they and why do you prefer them?

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