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The Liquis Crew

Adam is in the house!

By March 3, 2016June 6th, 2016No Comments
Adam is in the house!

10615381_10201754264418286_1470220843437498716_nWe’d like to introduce you to the amazingly talented Adam Sandoval who joined our design team this February. He’s never far from his sketch pad and his artwork is truly refreshing. Until you get the chance to meet him yourself, here are some tid-bits that will give you a glimpse into the guy who turns ideas into awesomeness.   

What was your biggest ah-ha moment?

Was when I was sitting in A.P. Calculus in high school and realized that I didn’t wan’t to be an engineer like I thought I did for the previous 6 years. I realized that math and physics were not as interesting as they used to be and that’s what eventually led to me beaming a graphic designer.

What gets you excited about design?

What I love about design is the process. I love taking a problem and using design to solve that problem and help the user and/or customer.

Any guilty pleasures?

I have been know to rock out to some P!nk from time to time.

When you retire and look back on your career, what do you want to stand out?

I want to be able to know that during my career I was able to help people.

What’s your all-time favorite book or movie?

I have lots of favorite movies but The Sandlot is always a classic.

What is the quality you admire most in others?

Humility. I think it takes a lot for a person to admit they were wrong or take a criticism as a challenge and not an attack.

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