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How to write your “About Us” story to connect and convert.

By March 20, 2018August 24th, 2018No Comments
How to write your about us page
How to write your about us page

You might have noticed that “About Us” pages on websites are being replaced with “Our Story” pages.

Even social media outlets like Facebook are making changes to the news feed algorithm because it’s becoming increasingly apparent that people want to cut through the noise and connect.

This new way of understanding audiences is so important to your website because the “About/Story” has become an unsuspecting place for conversions.

There are two main audience conversion opportunities for this page:

Building community.

Let’s say you have a product or service that drew a particular person to your website. They are interested in what you have to offer, but they want to know if you’re worth it.

This might prompt a cold visitor to investigate your brand further (especially if you have a higher price point or investment) so they can warm up to your offer.

After reading your story, they should have the opportunity to dive deeper with options like a newsletter signup, links to follow you on social media, or make inquiries with welcoming call-to-actions.

Facilitating sales.

On the other hand, if you’re selling a product that typically has a short turnaround from a curious click to a paying customer, you may want to include a soft-sell carousel of “Customer Favorites” or “Recent Purchases” that visitors can click on to feed their curiosity further – and hopefully convert.

Both of these journeys prompt a conversion of sorts, but only if your story connects with the visitor first.

You can’t catch a fish that isn’t hooked.

Your story should be refreshingly honest. Do you want to read “about” the logistics of a company? Neither does your audience.

When writing your story, make sure to follow these points of reference to bond with your audience in a way that makes you the ultimate guide they’ve been looking for. Be the one that goes a step further and improves their LIFE.

(This doesn’t change if you’re B2B, everyone wants a better life. If you improve their business, you improve their life.)

1. Identify your story’s character – This can be you or a customer of yours. 

2. Identify the character’s problem. 

3. Create empathy between the character and the reader. 

4. Detail the problem and amplify the consequences if the problem were to remain unsolved. 

5. Talk about the journey to solving the problem and your roll in facilitating the transformation. 

6. Describe the life-changing benefits of the transformation. 

Now go write your story and let me know how it goes!

BONUS: Get our full guide on “10 ways to fix your website and grow your business today,” complete with extra action items and bonus pro tips.

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