What if the question was asked this way… Do you think it’s important for people to inherently know they’re in the right place when they choose to visit your social media platforms? I think so, don’t you?
Or if they stumble upon your social media page and you successfully get them to your website, don’t you think they should again know they made it to the right place to avoid confusion in this no-time-for-nonsense age of the Web?
That is why branding is so important; and almost just as important as branding itself, is consistancy. Every social media platform has different variables of what is customizable and what is not, but take advantage of those opportunities to use a consistnat background, image, logo and/or identity element to create a consistant brand experience.
Here are some samples of how to make this happen…
Notice our logo on the same branded background as our website where it doesn’t shrink to unrecognizable as well as our beloved mascot, Goldie, providing the eye candy for the thumbnails.
Notice how the social media pages all tie back into the website. You will even see Goldie in her fedora hat on the contact page!
Of course, you can have even more fun with some of the platforms that let you customize on a developer level, which is oh-so-fun for marketing, but in the meantime stay beautifully consistant.