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Boring always leads to failure.

By February 10, 2016No Comments
Boring always leads to failure.

By now you might have had a chance to dig into my short list of must-read marketing books, but if not, here’s an except from Purple Cow, Pg. 62:

“Boring is always the most risky strategy. Smart business people realize this and they work to minimize (but not eliminate) the risk from the process. They know that sometimes it’s not going to work, but they can accept the fact and that that’s okay.” 

Have you ever noticed that doing anything of importance or value always involves some sort of risk? I’m not saying to put everything you have on black – business is not meant to be an all-or-nothing gamble. We don’t always know the outcome of our decisions, but they are hopefully purposeful and well calculated. If there’s going to be risk, it should be worth it, and it should be done right.

Remember, your brand or product or style doesn’t need to appeal to everyone (that could turn out boring). However if you do something a bit unexpected, something that has major potential to turns heads – drawing out humor, nostalgia or excitement in an audience that is important to your product or service – you just upped the ante.

Of course your product or service has to back up the hype you’re creating. You have to be believable to convert curiosity to sales.

What do you mean believable?

  1. Is your product or service really everything you say it is?
  2. If people go to your website will they believe the hype or get turned off by something, well, boring?

It seems like we have less and less of an opportunity to grab the attention of our audience. If we do get it, wouldn’t it be a shame to loose it?


Spend some time thinking about what sets you apart, and how you can leverage that into a remarkable marketing strategy.

While you noodle on it, check out this video about how one company got a message out to their most important audience. Notice their attention to detail with the stickers, packaging and fortune copy. Well done!

FORTUNE FAVORS THE BOLD from LaPlanche Design on Vimeo.

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