Yeah, I said it, but we know it’s only for right now. Google is a massive force, but that is why we should take notice of what’s happened here. For those of you who are still writing off Facebook when it comes to marketing your business or brand, maybe you should think twice. Yes, fostering a Fan Page takes time and energy, but your fans are your low hanging fruit. AND, your fans’ friends are the best kind of potential client because now you have a third party endorsement.
This is where Facebook and Google differ and where, for the time being, you can get a lot more out of Facebook for a lot less. I’m talking about advertising. Both Google and Facebook offer great advertising solutions, but for the time being, Facebook is looking a lot better. Not only can you get bigger bang for your buck, but now you know your audience rivals Google. Plus, Facebook gives you that third party endorsement I was talking about by giving you the option to target your ad to the friends of your fans and telling them which of their friends are fans of your page.
Here at Liquis we have used both Google ads and Facebook ads, and I have to tell you, my first thought was “I really hope Facebook doesn’t raise their ad rates!” because we’ve gotten way more response from ads on Facebook. BUT, we are very active on Facebook and that has a lot to do with how successful you’ll be with people once you get them to your page.
Now, what do you think? Have I converted anyone? Has anyone had similar or different experiences with Google versus Facebook ads?
PS- Thanks to HubSpot for keeping me in the know!
Got me convinced!