People need to know about you before they do business with you. What are you doing right now to get your customer’s attention?
If you’re not doing anything, you can’t expect anything. Just take that first step!
Try something… anything. It will either work or you’ll learn.
Where to start?
Anywhere. It’s probably not a shocker that over 2 billion people own a smartphone (and we all know how people are glued to their phones). Digital marketing lets you reach them wherever they navigate on their devices.
We’ve helped a lot of clients with online marketing and can tell you from experience, there is no magic formula. What works for one business/industry/personality, might not work for another
What we’ve seen work.
One of our clients was on the verge of selling off part of the business until we tweaked some things on their Google ads. Now they are hiring more employees.
Another client was failing on Google Ads until we helped him find success in targeted social media ads.
Or sometimes it’s a simple matter of website reorganization or optimization. A quick look at your Google Analytics will give you some powerful insights about how people are finding your website, what pages they spend the most time on and at what point they decide to leave without taking action. Take this information and make adjustments to see how it affects follow-through from website visitors.
Give them a reason to click.
Speaking of action, people aren’t going to take action unless you have an offer. It doesn’t have to be a coupon or give-away, but any solid offer that only you can provide.
An offer that will improve their life. An offer of expertise. Try to get inside the head of your ideal customer and create offers around what you think will compel them the most. If it doesn’t work, try something else.
Keep trying.
Once you figure out what works you can expand on it with landing pages, retargeting, email nurture sequences, and other cool tactics to really hook your audience.
Try something new today and let us know how it goes!