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It’s time for A Cause to Design

By June 14, 2012December 16th, 2014No Comments

Pro bono nonprofit websiteYou were sensing it weren’t you? Indeed the time has come where one local non-profit will be given a pro-bono website by yours truly. We get giddy just thinking about it!

If you’re new to this program, here’s how it works:

Any Arizona non-profit or cause who would like to participate enters a 2 minute video and completes a short entry form. Then the public votes! I mean, how could WE possibly choose? We’d probably end up giving a free website to everyone.

The thing is, a great website that drives donations and fosters involvement is the lifeblood for non-profits and causes, but many just don’t have the budget. Don’t these amazing organizations deserve a break? We think so.

For all the details, check out the official A Cause To Design page and please consider entering or passing this along to a great local non-profit or cause.

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