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The most effective content formats to engage your audience.

By August 23, 2019July 16th, 2024No Comments
Liquis Digital: The most effective content formats to engage your audience
Liquis Digital: The most effective content formats to engage your audience

There are a ton of ways that you can leverage your website and blog to provide your audience with valuable content that they will share and keep coming back for.

Here are a few of our favorites!

Lists or number posts

List posts or top 10 posts (like the one you are reading now) are a great way to package valuable content that your audience can quickly and easily consume. For example, let’s say I’m a nutrition consultant. A great post might be “10 foods that will boost your metabolism.” The nice thing about these types of posts is that your audience knows exactly what they are going to learn, and the content is quickly understood.

Audience Advice

Advice posts are great for creating creditability with your brand and educating your audience at the same time. In these types of posts, you are offering valuable advice to your audience for free, meanwhile educating them about your industry. For example, let’s imagine I’m a real estate agent. A great post might be “How to stage your home to sell faster”. While this post is directly related to the needs of my audience, it may not be directly related to my core services. But, this post is giving a potential client great advice that they can walk away with and refer to. This type of content builds creditability and keeps your brand top-of-mind.


Do have any upcoming events? Or are there any upcoming events in your industry that your audience might be interested in? Promoting upcoming events on your blog (and re-caps) is a great way to post content that your audience will engage your audience.

PROTIP: If you are posting about someone else’s event, let them know! Email them a link to your post and they will likely give you shout out and hopefully share your link with their audience. Driving even more traffic to your site and increasing your visibility.

Announcements or Press

Have you been featured in the press or have an important announcement? Write a blog post about it. In your post, be sure to include the press item, whether it’s an image, a video or a link to the online article where you are featured.

Case Studies: Case study posts are great for building creditability with your brand. Use these types of posts to highlight how to help a client or customer achieve a particular result. First, identify the pain point that needed to be solved and then show the steps that you took to help them achieve the transformation. Be sure to include any stats that you have available or images comparing the before and after.

Client Highlights: Pay attention to what your customers are doing and highlight their achievements, especially if you were a part of helping them achieve it. These posts highlight your client’s success… and I’m sure they’ll appreciate the recognition. Also, don’t forget to share the article with them once it’s published.

PROTIP: When linking to anything outside of your site, be sure that the link opens in a new window so they don’t wander off.


Not all content has to be in written form. Podcasts are a great way to leverage yourself as an expert in your field. Doing a podcast is a bit more work than your average blog post but once you get everything set up and figured out you can start cranking them out. Typically, podcasts are done in a series of scheduled episodes. So, there are some considerations and planning to be done before you start. The topics can stray away from your core services but should always be related to your industry and valuable to the needs of your audience.

The format of your podcast is up to you. They can just be you discussing a topic or an interview-style with like-minded individuals.

You will want to research the technical aspects of how you will create your podcast, and also decide if they will be video podcasts or audio. Once you have your podcast up and running you will want to post them to your website for greater reach and control over you re-caps and show notes.

If you are doing video podcast I recommend that you use YouTube to host the videos and then you can easily embed the videos on your website.


Videos are another great way to create content. You can use videos in multiple ways, they can be more formal and lengthy or shorter and less informal.

We always recommend putting your videos on YouTube and then embedding them into your site. YouTube is the 2nd largest search engine and is a subsidiary of the largest search engine, Google.

Here are some different ideas for your videos:

  • Sequential videos like How-to’s or Tips
  • Anything you would blog about, but with the engagement and entertainment factor of

If you are really serious about taking your YouTube channel to the next level, we highly recommend checking out Sunny Lenarduzzi’s YouTube For Bosses. She’s the expert when it comes to generating traffic to your business using YouTube.


Infographics are images that visually explain something. They can be used to visually explain a process, or visually explain some type of data. These have become very popular over the years and are frequently shared on social media

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