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Podcast Episodes

Your checklist for a highly effective sales landing page.

By July 1, 2021July 12th, 2024No Comments

Show Notes

Having an effective landing page on your website is going to be the difference maker in converting your visitors into leads and sales.

So, whether your business objective is to sell a product or service, or to build your email list… crafting an effective landing page is something you can’t afford to ignore.

In this episode we are going to give you everything you need to create an effective landing page that actually converts!

Discussion Topics:

  • What is a landing page and why do you need one?
  • A rundown of everything you need to create the perfect landing page.
  • The importance of testing.
  • Where to get your checklist for an effective landing page.

Key Takeaways:

Let’s start with what a landing page isn’t. It’s not your homepage, about, or contact page. It’s created for a specific audience, about a specific item, with only one clear CTA for the visitor to take.

You need this if you have a specific business objective you’re trying to achieve. So let say you want someone to download your free lead magnet, you want to send them to a page that entices them to take the only one action. Versus sending them to a page.


Your Landing Page Checklist!

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